Fantasy Farm Thursday: If Eventers Ever Make It to Heaven, They’ll End Up Here
That’s right, it’s Fantasy Farm Thursday! Lorraine Jackson tours us through an eventer’s paradise in Washington state. Hold on tight to your wallets.
Eventers are a salty bunch. With all that insane bravery and immunity to fear reflexes comes a fair amount of rough edges. There’s also some pretty generous swearing, telling off and jumping ship from the norms to do things our own way. It’s hardly a heavenly picture. But should one of us ever someday rescue enough OTTBs to counteract all the coveting of thy neighbor’s goods and such to actually make it to the pearly gates (which will then promptly be jumped at an angle with no time faults), there is no doubt that Eventer’s Heaven will look something like this:
Located in the evergreen trees of Woodinville, Washington lies a perfectly manicured 15 acres of eventing bliss, complete with four arenas, two barns, a covered eurocruiser/roundpen, a hacking trail, and all the other fancy, heated amenities a guy or girl could ever want in the afterlife.
The barns are absolutely beautiful with all the little details like heated tack rooms and big, rubber-matted box stalls for the horses. There is an attached indoor arena that features a heated viewing room for guests and loads of natural light.
The outdoor arenas are just as magnificent – the 198′ x 164′ jumping arena features impeccable poly sand footing with engineered drainage. There is also a full size dressage arena, and a grass paddock complete with cross country obstacles. If your eternal heart is still craving more adventure, you can head out on the hacking trail that wraps the perimeter of the property through the beautiful shady evergreen trees.
There are loads of dry paddocks with shelters available for all your horse-kin. And for the human kin, there are three remodeled homes on the property, all perfectly suited for an owner, operator, or visiting angel creature.
In the theoretical afterlife, this gem would cost an eventer exactly zero dollars (because even if you could take your money with you to Heaven, an eventer would still show up with exactly zero dollars), but here in the real world of the living, you can have it all for the current listing price of $4.75 million.
Find out more at the farm’s original listing here.
Go Riding!
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