World Equestrian Brands Drone/Helmet Cam in 360
Turn and look around you as these riders gallop down an Atlantic beach, thanks to 360-degree drone and helmet cam technology!
When you think about it, the use of this cutting-edge video technology with a group of horseback riders is a fascinating juxtaposition: some of the newest, coolest, baddest cameras are strapped to riders enjoying one of society’s most ancient skills. Regardless of the irony there, we have to agree that this video is pretty cool: use the arrows in the upper left hand corner of the video screen to view the ride from every angle!
It’s basically the next best thing to actually being there: you can turn back to look at the other riders, shift your gaze out to sea or look straight ahead between the ears of your willing mount. Until we can saddle up and gallop down the beach ourselves, this video does an admirable job as substitute.
Go riding!
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