Twitter Tuesday
What did your fellow Horse Nation readers have to say about last week’s #TrailRideFail hashtag? Find out here, plus get tweeting for this week!
Our first weekly Twitter Tuesday challenged you to tell us your #TrailRideFail story. As we suspected, there were some pretty good tales to tell …
Rode to a scenic pond – sunset, trickling water, 71 degrees and happy pony… until all the ducks took off at once. #trailridefail #OWWW
— HNLorraine (@TheUtahTrotter) June 14, 2016
My “get home fast with non-English-speaking-guests before this T-storm hits” shortcut turned into “get hailed on real hard.” #TrailRideFail — Kristen Kovatch (@KristenKovatch) June 14, 2016
Found out my my horse hates:
1) water
2) bugs
3) shadows
4) rocks
5) other horses#TrailRideFail— Amanda Gilbank (@Miss__Amanda) June 15, 2016
When your big, brave event horse will leap blindly at full-tilt into a water complex but won’t go near a puddle on the trail. #TrailRideFail — Leslie Wylie (@LeslieWylie1) June 16, 2016
Nice, Horse Nation, very nice. This week, we want you to invent a #PerfectShowName: make us laugh, make us blush or make us go “awwww,” in 140 characters or less!
We’ll round up our favorite Tweets next Tuesday!
Go riding!
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