SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: Perfect Pumpkin Pet Treats

Since it’s officially fall, we’re sharing this awesome no-sugar DIY pumpkin pet treat recipe from SmartPak. These treats are great for your equine, canine, or human pals!

This recipe is brought to you from SmartPaker Amy Cohan and can also be found on the SmartPak blog.

So this past weekend I had a little extra time on my hands and was feeling festive, so I decided to do some seasonal baking. Like any normal person, I decided I would bake for my most appreciative audience, my four-legged friends.

I looked through the cupboard for some ingredients that would be tasty, and healthy.

I came up with the following ingredients:

  • 1 can Pumpkin
  • 4 cups Quaker Oats
  • ½ cup flour
  • ½ cup water
  • Cinnamon to taste

Photo courtesy of SmartPaker Amy

Plus the following supplies:

  • Mixing bowl
  • Nonstick pan
  • Spatula or big spoon
  • Measuring cup

Photo courtesy of SmartPaker Amy


  1. Preheat oven to 350.
  2. Mix all ingredients well in a mixing bowl, and form teaspoon-shaped balls. Place these on a non-stick cooking pan.

    Photo courtesy of SmartPaker Amy

    Photo courtesy of SmartPaker Amy

  3. Toss in oven for 20 minutes, and let your kitchen elves lick the bowl clean.

    Photo courtesy of SmartPaker Amy

  4. Remove from oven with an oven mitt, and allow to cool.

    Photo courtesy of SmartPaker Amy

  5. I taste-tested these on my entire family. They got rave reviews from my two dogs:

    Photo courtesy of SmartPaker Amy

  6. And my littlest mustang, Pablo. My bigger mustang mare said, “no thanks,” but she is REALLY picky and won’t eat any treats other than carrots, so I wasn’t expecting much.

    Photo courtesy of SmartPaker Amy

    Photo courtesy of SmartPaker Amy

  7. When I said my entire family- that meant my poor unsuspecting husband too. I brought them out to him, and he was so overjoyed his wife (who has trouble locating the proper place settings for take-out dinner) BAKED HIM COOKIES, that he suspected nothing.

    Photo courtesy of SmartPaker Amy

    However, after taking one bite, the jig was up, and he realized they were not for humans.

    Photo courtesy of SmartPaker Amy

Overall, three of the four intended recipients thought this recipe was a big hit, and it not only was super easy, but also it made my kitchen smell wonderful and festive!

If you give these cookies a try, let us know what your pets (or unsuspecting human counterparts) think!

Go SmartPak and go riding!