‘Oh Crap’ Monday: Two’s Company…

… or maybe it’s a crowd?

Monday already is the crappiest day of the week, so it only makes sense that we make things official. Here’s our latest “oh crap” moment.

Two’s company, three’s a crowd, or so the saying goes. In this case, we think two might just be a crowd. After all, the loose horse on this jump course is giving the rider a run for her money … and probably quite a bit of pause. We’re not totally sure how this situation came to pass, but let’s get real. Sometimes things get weird at horse shows.

Suffice to say, everyone is fine and, honestly, we’re pretty impressed by the free jumper.

Go forth and tackle your Monday, Horse Nation.

Have an “Oh Crap” moment to share? Email your photo/video and a brief explanation of what is going down to deann@horsenation.com. Instagram users, tag your moments with #OhCrapMonday (your photos need to be set to public or we won’t see them!).