I Spy Horses: Randyland

During my adventures and travels I always take photos of the horse-related items I see along the way. Enjoy these photos of horse-related pieces spotted in Randyland.

Randyland is said to be not only the most colorful place in Pittsburgh, PA, but also one of the most colorful landmarks in America. This neat spot is an art museum that sits in the North Shore and showcases found art. Here’s some of the horse-related art I found while exploring this outdoor gem:

All photos by Marcella Gruchalak

I loved how this horse was painted like a Native American war horse… sort of.

I bet this once belonged in a colorful Mexican restaurant.

Spooky Halloween horse with a missing ear reporting for duty.

My Little Pony figurines can be found in many places throughout Randyland.

Find the horses around you and go riding, Horse Nation!

Have you spied horses in your adventures and travels (specifically horses that aren’t, you know, in a barn or pasture)? If so, send your photo/s with a brief explanation to deann@horsenation.com with the subject line “I Spy Horses.” You might see your photo featured in a future edition of I Spy. Remember, you need to own the rights to all photos you send, otherwise we can’t share them.