Help Make the Equestrian World More Diverse, Equitable & Inclusive on Giving Tuesday

Several organizations within the equestrian world have been working hard to promote diversity, equity and inclusion within our sport. On #GivingTuesday2021, you can help further their missions.

Several organizations within the equestrian world have been working hard to promote diversity, equity and inclusion within our sport. These include access programs that help provide opportunity for young equestrians from diverse backgrounds as well as opportunity funds and education/outreach initiatives. You can help further their important missions by making a donation today — check in with the following organizations to see what they could use a hand with, whether funds, equipment or volunteers.

This is by no means a comprehensive list. We welcome suggestions and will be happy to add them in — please email us at

City Ranch, Inc. Baltimore MD Through your generosity, you can fund Compton Junior Equestrian’s five core pillars of Academic Enrichment, Healthy & Sustainable Living, Career Building, Equestrian Skills, and Mentorship.
Compton Cowboys Compton CA The CREW Urban Youth Equestrians was founded to provide opportunity to urban youth of color ages 7-17 in Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN to experience all the benefits of interacting with horses while learning horse husbandry and having fun. We believe it is the right of every child who has an interest in horses to experience them. Our program participants are catalysts for the re-imagining of who is an equestrian. Through our program we make an impact by developing emotional self-awareness and regulation in young people; opening up new possibilities on the direction their lives can take; and give them a sense of Community while building Relationships which Empowers them to become all they were born to be and leads to an overall sense of Well-being.
The CREW Urban
Youth Equestrians
Minneapolis/St. Paul MN The CREW Urban Youth Equestrians was founded to provide opportunity to urban youth of color ages 7-17 in Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN to experience all the benefits of interacting with horses while learning horse husbandry and having fun. We believe it is the right of every child who has an interest in horses to experience them. Our program participants are catalysts for the re-imagining of who is an equestrian. Through our program we make an impact by developing emotional self-awareness and regulation in young people; opening up new possibilities on the direction their lives can take; and give them a sense of Community while building Relationships which Empowers them to become all they were born to be and leads to an overall sense of Well-being.
Detroit Horse Power Detroit MI Detroit Horse Power uniquely addresses two persistent problems facing the Motor City: the shortage of opportunities for metro Detroit’s vulnerable populations (especially children) and the abundance of vacant land. Through riding and caring for horses in a safe and enriching space, program participants learn valuable skills that set them up for future success. Our facility, built on repurposed vacant land, will contribute to the city’s renewal and be a center for community events and equestrian services.
Equuvation, Inc. Statesville NC Equuvation at Rocky Creek is a nature-based therapy + education center in North Carolina. We offer equine-facilitated psychotherapy {EFP}, equine-assisted learning {EAL}, therapeutic horsemanship {TH}, continuing education, leadership programs, sensory trail development and uniquely designed special events.
Fletcher Street Stables Fletcher Street Stables PA The Fletcher Street Urban Riding Club evolved from a century-long tradition of Urban Black Cowboys in Philadelphia. The non-profit organization, founded by Ellis Ferrell, provides an alternative outdoor leisure activity to the community and engages urban youth in equestrian sports while teaching life skills, instilling discipline and promoting academic excellence.
Humble Horsemanship
at Mulatto Meadows
Pinole CA Humble, a Mulatto Meadows project, fosters respect, confidence, and accountability for urban youth through equine experiential learning. Our vision is to change the face of equine culture and inspire positive futures through horses. Humble offers a sliding scale fee schedule for low-income riders.
Metropolitan Equestrian Team
Equine Opportunity Program
National MET provides athletes in grades 3-12 the opportunity to participate in horseback riding as part of the MET Team. Students learn horsemanship, sportsmanship, and agricultural skills; receive support in the college preparation; and competitive opportunities in the Interscholastic Equestrian Association and the Athletic Equestrian League.
OYES Equestrian Scholarship  National The mission of the Optimum Youth Equestrian Scholarship is to provide opportunities for youth aged 17-27 from marginalized communities to become involved or stay involved in horse sports through financial awards and mentorship focusing on not only horsemanship and equestrian pursuits, but also career planning and education. 
PAYC at JoyRide Equestrian Pittsboro NC Pilot program in partnership with a local faith-based youth center that provides an accessible introduction to basic horsemanship and riding to young people.
RL Jacobs  National The Robert Lawrence House of Opportunity is a nonprofit organization with the mission of bridging the economic gap between quality equestrian instruction and household income.
Philadelphia Urban Riding Academy Philadelphia PA Home to the Concrete to Show Jumping program, the Philadelphia Urban Riding Academy is dedicated to providing a safe space for young riders to experience horses.
Saddle Up and Read Wendell NC Saddle Up And Read is on a mission to encourage youth to achieve literary excellence through equine activities. SUAR visits elementary schools, libraries, child care centers, church youth groups, and community events.
Strides for Equality Equestrians National Strides for Equality Equestrians was formed by a collaborative group of predominantly BIPOC riders who seek to provide more visible allyship for equestrians of color.
White Oak Stables Warrenton VA White Oak Stables is committed to providing affordable riding lessons and access to shows, clinics and events in a safe, diverse and inclusive environment.
Kate Ebbage Equestrian
(Willamette Racism Response
Network Horse Camps)
OR Katie Ebbage Equestrians offers horse-centered education focused on enhancing the well-being and performance of equestrian athletes from all disciplines, with a focus on the next generation of equestrians.  They believe that everyone should have access to horses, and are actively seeking to remove barriers to entry. In 2021 they piloted summer horse camps in partnership with the Willamette Racism Response Network aimed at providing an accessible and inclusive introduction to horsemanship for local young people.
USEF Opportunity Fund  National The USEF Opportunity Fund is a grant-making resource dedicated to supporting grassroots organizations with a mission to increase access to horses, horse sports, and equine-based learning opportunities among under-represented and/or under-served communities.

Please view DEI resources on the US Equestrian website and Strides for Equestrian Equality for more resources to encourage our community’s growth and education about underrepresented and underserved groups in equestrian sport.