Centered Riding® Inc. Accepting Applications for Instructor Diversity Scholarship

In an effort to create more robust opportunities for riding instructors who are Black, Indigenous and/or Persons of Color to train and certify as Centered Riding Instructors, the 2022 Centered Riding® Inc. scholarship is back.

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Centered Riding® Inc. is now accepting applications for the 2022 Instructor Diversity Scholarship. The goal of the Centered Riding Diversity Scholarship is to create more robust opportunities for riding instructors who are Black, Indigenous and/or Persons of Color to train and certify as Centered Riding Instructors. These groups of people are significantly under-represented in equestrian sport and in the horse industry.

The Centered Riding Diversity Scholarship will provide up to $1,500 to cover the instructor’s clinic fees for the initial qualifying two- or three-day Open Centered Riding Clinic and for the seven-day Centered Riding Instructor Certification Course. In 2022, the Centered Riding Instructor Diversity Scholarship will be awarded to a U.S.-based riding instructor who is Black, Indigenous and/or a Person of Color. The riding instructor may be a practitioner in any equestrian discipline.

To apply for the Centered Riding 2021 Diversity Scholarship, individuals must meet requirements for the Centered Riding Instructor Course in the United States, and for the Scholarship, as follows:

  • be at least 18 years old;
  • be from North America;
  • be Black, Indigenous and/or a Person of Color;
  • be a safe, experienced riding instructor (in any equestrian discipline);
  • be able to ride a horse at the walk, trot and canter in a group; and
  • read and accept the terms of the Centered Riding Instructor Course.

Preference will be given to candidates who will use their Centered Riding training and qualifications to introduce to horses and equestrian sport riders who are Black, Indigenous and/or Persons of Color, and/or to support such riders in advancing in equestrian sport and in the horse industry.

Interested persons may download the 2022 CR Diversity Scholarship information package and application form, which can be found on the Centered Riding website at the following link:

Applicants may send their completed applications to:

Centered Riding Instructor Diversity Scholarship
c/o Centered Riding Inc.
One Regency Drive
PO Box 30
Bloomfield, CT 06002

The Centered Riding Office must receive Scholarship applications by December 1, 2021. The Scholarship recipient will be notified in January 2022.

Please feel free to share this Centered Riding Diversity Scholarship information with any riding instructors you know who are Black, Indigenous and/or Persons of Color, and with any organizations that support them and/or of which they are members.

Anyone who wishes to support the Centered Riding Instructor Diversity Scholarship Fund may make a donation via the Centered Riding website at, or by contacting the Centered Riding Office at

Centered Riding Inc. is a 501 c-3 non-profit organization; donations are tax deductible in the U.S.A.