Ecovet Presents Mind Your Melon: Jousting Plume Cam

Because apparently when you joust, it’s a plume cam, not a helmet cam…

Last month, we showed you an introductory video to jousting from YouTuber Esme. Today, you get the full POV video from someone who’s been doing it for a while.

Astride his trusty Haflinger, jouster Drew Neff’s faces The All Mighty Lioness Maegen Merritt. You can tag along to see what jousting is like, complete with encouraging words from Drew to his horse. This jousting exhibition was put on by The American Jousting League at Avalon Faire in Kilgore, TX.

And of course, each jouster knows to mind their melon (with a plume on top!).

Happy Wednesday, Horse Nation. Go riding and don’t forget to mind your melon!

Mind Your Melon videos showcase equestrians who have decided to protect their noggins by wearing a helmet. Do you have a Mind Your Melon submission to share? Send it to