Gettin’ Crafty With It: 10 Horse Inspired DIY Holiday Crafts
From ornaments to wreaths to snow globes, we’ve got the horse holiday craft for you — or at least these creative crafters do. Here are 10 horse-inspired holiday crafts you can totally do at home.
People love to post all their DIY crafts this time of year. As I see these beautiful and creative crafts pop up on my newsfeed, I’m always in awe of people taking the time to actually make the stuff and the skills of my friends/friends-via-Facebook. I’m left to wonder, first, how they find the time and, second, how I was so unaware of these hidden talents.
In honor of those creative folks (and maybe as some added inspiration for those who need a little help coming up with those creative crafts) here are 10 horse inspired holiday crafts that you (yes, even you!) can do yourself:
1. The horse head wreath
This is one of the most common crafts I see on my newsfeed. People much more talented than I love to make and sometimes sell them. This pin takes you to the Rantings of a Horse Mom blog, which will give you step-by-step directions on how to make your own.
2. Another horse head wreath — but with burlap this time!
Another spin on the horse head wreath is to do it with burlap. This gives off more of a rustic chic vibe, likely sheds fewer needles and can stand the test of time if stored and treated properly. Grillo Designs offers step-by-step directions on their website.
3. Breyer horse ornament
Okay, okay. Even I might be able to manage this one. Breyer horse + pipe cleaners + ornament hanger = ornament. Ta da! This is a great idea for those of us who are less-than-crafty, but get the bug occasionally.
4. Felt horse holiday ornaments
These ones take a little more skill than the Breyer horse ornaments, but they are awfully cute. This is definitely something I would appreciate very much is someone else made them for me.
5. Mason jar snow globe
Alright, so this craft doesn’t technically have anything to do with horses… yet. Right now there’s a deer in the snow globe, but how hard would it really be to switch out that deer for a horse figurine? See? Now it’s a horse-inspired craft. You can get full step-by-step instructions at Positively Splendid.
6. Tiny paper barn
Who doesn’t need a tiny paper barn — or many! — to help decorate your house? This project requires a Cricut machine (or a lot of time, patience and an exacto knife), but with that seems pretty straightforward. You can get directions at Paper Glitter Glue.
7. Horse shoe holiday wreaths
Okay, shameless plug on this one as it’s a throwback to our own DIY post from 2016. However, these horse shoe holiday wreaths are awesome and stand the test of time.

Photo and directions by Kristen Kovatch
8. Horse garland… horse gift tags… horse a lot of things
For less than $6 and the cost of some paper, you can download these printable horses from Etsy to make all sorts of decorations, from garland to gift tags to cards to you name it. With a little baling twine, they can be quite authentic.
9. Yarn horse head ornament
If you’ve got extra yarn lying around, these horse head ornaments look super easy to make… if you’re the crafty type and so inclined. You can find the instructions on Krokotak.
10. Peppermint ornaments
If you’re like me, you’re always finding horse treats — or the remnants of horse treats — in your barn jacket pockets. Now there is something you can do with those leftover peppermints — make ornaments! These melted peppermint ornaments are festive and can be repurposed as horse treats once you’re done hanging them on your tree. Directions can be found on Hello Homebody.
What are your favorite holiday horse crafts that you make from home? Let us know!