SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: Stuff Riders Say About Blankets
Blankets can bring all kinds of woes to horse owners. SmartPak gets it — and they get us. This episode of Stuff Riders Say About Blankets sheds a humorous light on how we all feel about blankets and blanketing our horses.
It’s that time of year again — fall decorations are coming out in full bore, pumpkin spice everything is on the shelves and it’s time to start thinking about blanketing your horse. And blanketing your horse leads to a whole host of issues: when should I blanket my horse? Is it too hot? Does the blanket fit? Are the straps tight enough?
SmartPak get it — and they get us (because they are us). So enjoy this episode of Stuff Riders Say… About Blankets.
If you have questions about blankets, SmartPak has an app for that. You can download the app for yourself from iTunes or Google Play!
Go SmartPak and go riding!