Update on Escaping to Nashville Barn: Locked Out
What are you doing with your time if you can’t see your horse?
Things change at a gallop in our equine-COVID world. I texted my riding instructor (barn owner) to get permission to go out and just groom my schooling horse, Amber. No dice . . . until further notice.
The owner told me that the barn is locked down to everyone excluding care staff until the Governor lifts the ban. Only one owner freaked, but she calmed and settled into “this is for the best.” All horses always receive primo care at this barn, but will be pampered even more.
So, . . . no this for this schooler:

Photo by Candace Wade
Only this . . .

Photo by Candace Wade
My Ambs will miss her massages – we may text – but she will be rested and spunky when we return to our horse-life. All the horses may need a bit of ground work after so much time off. Let’s remember our horses are “fresh” when we return.
Anyone else “locked out?” I’m watching riding videos, primarily Amelia Newcomb. I’m not a trained dressage rider, but many of her exercises and corrections are useful and common for us ever-student mature riders . . . and everyone else. Who do you follow?