Weekend Wellness: For the Love of the Horse Webinar
A new free webinar is launching this weekend to help keep horse owners informed. This week the topic is the back issues in performance horses with Dr. Kent Allen, DVM. Don’t miss it!
A NEW webinar series has launched to help keep us all educated on the most pressing topics in equine healthcare. The series is called For the Love of the Horse and is presented by Ice Horse, Back on Track, The Competitive Equestrian, and Etalon Equine Genetics.
For the Love of the Horse airs on Sunday evenings, and the webinars are interactive. Each week, a new industry expert presents on a hot topic. This Sunday, April 12, Dr. Kent Allen joins on the air to discuss back issues in performance horses.
Click here to register for this event and the entire series. After registering, you can add the event to your calendar.
Can’t make the live event? Register to watch on-demand after the event airs. We’ve already registered ourselves to add some more useful healthcare information to our own toolboxes!
Go learning!