CLM DWN: ‘Oh Crap’ Monday

Monday is already the crappiest day of the week, so it only makes sense that we make things official. Here’s our latest “oh crap” moment.

Sometimes we all need to blow off a little steam. Especially after we’ve been cooped up for a while. Hopefully that venting doesn’t come from your horse… while you’re on horseback. In the case of Instagrammer miss_crazie_maisie, this is a regular occurrence. We commend her seat and know we’d be thinking, “Oh crap!”

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This is all so crazy, what is happening in the world. My country has basically gone on lockdown although not them worlds given by our government, it should be and will soon be I predict. My yard has now gone on lockdown, no one in or out – today has been a bit surreal and I think the next few days will change a lot for me work wise, but we’ll see! So no riding tonight, I’m not sure in fact if I’ll ride again any time soon. It’s so sad and so surreal this is all happening – I hope to look back in a few months time and talk about this being over rather than saying it’s still happening, I can’t wait for it all to be done and I’m sure everyone else in the world does, too. Stay safe people 🥺😔❤️. To lighten up the mood enjoy this video from last year of Maisie letting off some steam and me making some strange noises 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣

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Go forth and tackle your Monday, Horse Nation. Go Riding!

Have an “Oh Crap” moment to share? Email your photo/video and a brief explanation of what is going down to Instagram users, tag your moments with #OhCrapMonday (your photos need to be set to public or we won’t see them!)