Ecovet Presents Mind Your Melon: Bridleless Galloping
Check out this rider as she gallops her horse bridleless!
This video depicts a helmeted rider who is performing a series of maneuvers while riding her horse bridleless outside of the arena. She trots down a trail and goes through water, but what is most impressive is the footage of her galloping her horse through the sand.
Having a horse that you trust to this extent is freeing and lovely to watch!
Mind your melon videos showcase riders who have decided to protect their noggin by wearing a helmet. Do you have mind your melon submission to share? Send it to deann@horsenation.com.
Ecovet fly spray creates a vapor barrier around your horse that confuses and overwhelms an insectโs normal directional ability. Thanks to this Ecovet barrier, the insect is unable to locate your horse as its next victim. Watch Ecovet in action: