SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: Ask the Vet, December Edition
SmartPak answers five new questions on topics like steaming vs soaking hay, the benefits of alfalfa cubes vs alfalfa pellets, flax seeds and chia seeds for horses, sidebone in horses, whether or not Coastal Bermuda hay causes colic and so much more!
You asked, so SmartPak answered! SmartPak continues its commitment to keeping horse owners well informed with its vast library of free resources. In this month’s “Ask the Vet,” SmartPaker Dan and Dr. Lydia Gray, SmartPak’s staff veterinarian and medical director, answer these viewer submitted questions:
1. What is the difference between feeding alfalfa pellets vs. alfalfa cubes? Is there a better option between the two?
2. What is the difference between steaming and soaking hay? What is the benefit for both?
3. Is there any benefit to feeding horses flax seeds or chia seeds in their grain. If so, how much should you feed?
4. Can you discuss the presence of side bones in horses? Is it normal or an area of concern? Would a horse with side bones “fail” a PPE in your opinion?
5. Does coastal hay actually increase risk of colic? If so, why?
Have your own horse health questions to submit for next month? Tag your question on social media with #AskTheVetVideo. Bonus: if your question is selected for a future video, you’ll win a SmartPak gift card!
Go SmartPak and go riding.