SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: Ask the Vet, October Edition
SmartPak answers five new questions on topics like the work-to-rest ratio for horses, introducing a horse to a protective herd, helping a horse adjust to a new barn, how to disinfect the items in your barn and how often to do so, long-term use of Equioxx and so much more!
SmartPak has done it once again — you asked, they answered! In their continuing commitment to helping horse owners stay informed, SmartPak brings you this month’s episode of Ask the Vet.
Questions answered in this episode:
1. How often should you work/exercise your horse? Also, how often should hard working horses get a break?
2. How should you introduce a new horse to a very protective herd?
3. I just got a new horse 3 days ago and he’s adjusting not so well. 1) We were told not to pasture him with mares and so we didn’t. There are mares in the pasture across from him and he paces the fence line. Other than moving the mare pasture what can I do. 2) He’s not drinking much water. We’ve tried Gatorade and alfalfa tea and he doesn’t like it. What are some other flavored drinks I can try?
4. What is the most effective, yet safe way to properly disinfect grooming tools, tack, water troughs, feed buckets, etc? Also, how often do you recommend disinfecting?
5. What are your thoughts regarding long-term Equioxx use in riding horses? Assuming blood work indicates no areas of concern, is there any benefit to doing a two day per week break (or any other intermittent breaks) from the drug if a horse is on it for an extended period?
Have your own horse health questions to submit for next month? Tag your question on social media with #AskTheVetVideo. Bonus: if your question is selected for a future video, you’ll win a SmartPak gift card!
Go SmartPak and go riding.
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