The Wild Mustangs of Onaqui Mountains: In Danger
In the third and final installment of this photo essay, we see more of the wild Mustangs of Onaqui Mountains and the danger they are in. There is a scheduled BLM round-up September 10 – 17.
Photographic essay by photographer Kisa Kavass — June 2019.
Ms. Kavass travels west to study the wild Mustangs. She observes and walks among them. She also volunteers to aid all breeds of rescue horses by taking photos for adoption postings for Horse Plus Humane Society.

Let’s Run
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has scheduled a round up September 10-17, 2019.

Ms. Kavass shared: “At first the BLM planned to take 75% of the herd, but after a large amount of protest they have cut the number by half.”

Proud Stallion
Ms. Kavass’s first-hand experience tells her: “There is no valid reason to round up these horses. I am witness to them being healthy and living on acres of land that is isolated so there is no threat to civilization.”

“The BLM is charged with caring for the wild horses mandated by the Wild Free Roaming Horses and Burros act of 1971.” But, from what Ms. Kavass has seen, she feels that “the BLM and the media mislead in their presentations of the wild horses.”

Soul of an Angel
“The BLM says they will take away the horses that stay on the outer areas where they are more hidden from people. I don’t believe them and am afraid that all the bands (families) will be torn apart.”

On the Range
“The horses will be taken to holding pens where they are imprisoned for an unknown amount of time. Some may end up adopted but there are over 50,000 wild horses in holding pens today. I fear the horses I met may end up on slaughter trucks. The whole system needs reform. ”

Cattle and sheep ranchers have strong lobbyists to pressure for more of the public lands on which to graze their private herds for market. You can express your opinions on use of public lands to your representatives in Congress and to the BLM.

What Will My Future Be
Ms. Kavass’s photographs float into my mind as I decide between pasta and steak.
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