SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: If Horses Were People — Fly Season, Part 1
Have you wondered what it would look like if people reacted to fly season the same way horses do? So did SmartPak. Take a look at their hilarious take on just that.
In this special edition of If Horses Were People, SmartPak wondered what life would be like if horses were people during fly season. Sarah and Sara act out scenarios including ripped fly sheets, application of fly repellent lotions, trail rides when it’s buggy out, and more!
As much as we love our horses, some of their behavior is a little…weird. Imagine if your best friend or co-worker acted like that? That’s exactly what SmartPak did, and we think you’ll like what they came up with!
Did they miss any scenarios? Let us know in the comments!
You can subscribe to the SmartPak YouTube Channel and share and like their video if your horse acts like this!
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