Total Saddle Fit Sunday Video: Icelandic Roundup
What’s more glorious: the view, or all that bouncing mane and forelock?
The traditional horsemen of Iceland still utilize an old practice in their horsekeeping: young horses are turned out up in the mountains and hills of the small island nation, where they graze and grow and enjoy life at liberty. The summer season is short, however, and in the fall, owners must mount up and go bring the horses home for the winter.
This affords some fabulous riding opportunities, of course, mixed with a lot of long hours and hard work. This helmet cam gives us an insider view at the intense autumn weather that makes the landscape so starkly beautiful — all seen between the flicking ears and bouncing mane of an Icelandic horse at full tölt:
Horse round up in Iceland, day 2. Driving the herd back home.
Posted by Stefanie Hilgenberg on Sunday, October 7, 2018
We wish all the horsemen of Iceland a safe roundup and a comfortable winter! Go riding.
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