Entries Close at Midnight for 2018 International Lesson Horse Day Essay Contest!

The 2018 International Lesson Horse Day will take place on May 24! Our annual essay contest to honor the special lesson horses in our lives is currently accepting entries: click here for all the details.

Photo (c) Morgane Gabriel.

The third annual International Lesson Horse Day will take place on Thursday, May 24, 2018! Join us at Horse Nation for a celebration of the horses who helped us take our first steps as equestrians and still help us to this day.

All of us as equestrians, whether we’re riding the Grand Prix or meandering down a sun-dappled trail, all started our journey the same way: on the backs of lesson horses, those careful old schoolmasters who taught us as much about persistence, responsibility and other life skills as they did about actual horseback riding. On International Lesson Horse Day, we celebrate those tireless troopers working steadfastly day after day to bring up the next generation of equestrians, whether they’re turning circles on the lunge line in the humble dusty arena of the local lesson barn to schooling upper-level riders in advanced maneuvers in the greatest schools in the world.

Do you have a special lesson horse in your life? Do you remember your very first moment in the saddle on the back of a patient schoolmaster? Or perhaps your first fall. Maybe you’re an instructor who relies on saintly horses and ponies to teach the next generation — no matter where you are in your equestrian journey, we want to hear about the lesson horses that helped you along the way. Our essay contest this year will publish three reader-submitted essays throughout the day on May 24 to pay honor to those very special equines.

How to enter:

  • Craft an essay about your favorite lesson horse — maximum word count 1000
  • Take or find a photograph of your lesson horse and attach separately. We will need photographer’s credit to publish.
  • Email your essay and credited photograph to horsenationcontest@gmail.com. The deadline for submission is midnight on Tuesday, May 22.
  • The best essays will be published on Thursday, May 24!

Need some inspiration? Check out these past essay contest winners:

We cherish the lesson horses of our past and present at Horse Nation, and hope you will join us to honor the special lesson horses in your life. Go lesson horses, and go riding!

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