13 #EquestrianProblems According to Twitter
Because brevity will always be the soul of wit.
I realize that a common complaint with Twitter is that people “just don’t get it” but you don’t need to have a Twitter account to appreciate these tweets: the forced brevity that comes with only having 140 280 characters to express yourself is funny no matter if you know how Twitter works or are totally mystified trying to figure out why it even exists. This is why it exists: so we can express our #equestrianproblems.
Just when I was starting to get back in a rhythm in my outdoor arena, the rainstorms move back in. #equestrianproblems pic.twitter.com/QdZGbOEiPP
— Tara Matsler (@HorseShowTara) February 17, 2018
Me: Finally! A quiet day to get all this important stuff done.
Horse: Oh really? Challenge accepted…
Me: Please no…
Horse: …
Me: …
Horse: …
Horse: -Colics-#Equestrianproblems #whythough #shewillbeokay— Brittany D (@Ride_Jump_Show) February 17, 2018
Horses, man…. ???? #fml #equestrianproblems pic.twitter.com/T4aZqALv9E
— Gena Rodgers (@NextOnDeck) February 19, 2018
Have just discovered that I went to get my nails done, did some shopping and got the car washed with a not insignificant amount of hay in my hair. ???? #EquestrianProblems
— Nicki Strong (@HSEquestrian) February 24, 2018
When you have your horses at home, you just have to accept some things.
Like there will always be hay in my socks.
And sometimes you gotta do turn-in/feeding in heels.
— UniversityEquestrian (@UniversityRider) February 26, 2018
Friend: Ew, your car smells like horses.
Me:#EquestriaGirls #Monday #werenotfriends #equestrian #equestrianproblems pic.twitter.com/qesczMo9TY
— MegSaat (@megsaat) February 26, 2018
You know you're a malfunctioning young adult equestrian when you're struggling to find where you stashed your W2s for your taxes but your horse's paperwork is neatly sorted into three clearly-labeled folders on your desk #equestrianproblems
— Theresa Schmid (@theresa_schmid) February 27, 2018
Gonna be rolling in tax return money…then half it will be spent and the other half will start my savings for a new saddle???? #equestrianproblems
— Taylor Ginn (@tayginn3) February 28, 2018
What being a horse girl looks like in Feb in Oregon… #equestrian #equestrianproblems pic.twitter.com/RBQJp3MrCN
— brittney joy ???? (@brittneyjoydov) March 1, 2018
When your coach has you try travers for the first time ????#everythinghurts #dressage #equestrianproblems pic.twitter.com/9sPw9TInPS
— Kelsy Ervin (@kelsysj) March 1, 2018
The only time I run fast is when I’m turning on the arena sprinklers and don’t want to get wet #equestrianproblems
— KimberlyHewsonBudnik (@kimmihewbud) March 1, 2018
Pony wants to canter home, I don't want to canter home. I get dumped in snow and pony canters home. #equestrianproblems #pony #chestnutmare
— Johanna (@vvildhorze) March 5, 2018
Current status: Waiting to get paid so that I can hit the ol' "checkout now" button on my SmartPak cart.#freelancelife #equestrianproblems #firstworldproblems #babyneedsanewbridle
— Leslie (@LeslieInLex) March 13, 2018
Oh yes, we’ve all been there. Got a funny tweet to share? Follow us at @horse_nation!
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