Thursday Video: Will JJ Eat It?
Horses typically like “conventional” treats like apples and carrots and horse cookies. And then there’s JJ.
Contributor Ainsley Jacobs of “Lessons Learned” has been pushing the limits of culinary science and equine taste buds in a video series aptly titled “Will JJ Eat It?” JJ, her eventing Paint horse, has a taste for… well, pretty much anything, as you’ll see in today’s video.
(Ainsley is sure to avoid known foods that are toxic to horses — fear not!)
Today’s food challenge: zesty garlic pickles.
Zesty garlic pickles. Think he'll eat 'em? Let's find out on #WillJJEatIt ????????????
Posted by Ride Heels Down on Friday, October 20, 2017
So… yeah. The answer to that question is yes, JJ will eat it — and he’ll apparently enjoy it too!
JJ, you keep on being your weird self. The rest of us are now off to get some pickles.
Go riding!
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