Fantasy Farm Thursday: A Western Ranch in Eastern Europe
Hungarian Cottages and Western Saddles. #Normal
I love a good paradox. For example, our managing editor here at HN, Kristen, lives in eastern New York, close to any number of H/J shows, eventing facilities, fancy dressage barns. And you know what she likes to do with her horse? Move cows on her family’s cattle ranch. I, on the other hand, grew up in rural Utah amongst the 4-H kids and was destined to be a terrible barrel racer, but here I am, hunter-jumper journalist of your hearts.
This is like that, but even weirder. If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “man, I’d love to live in Hungary, one of the historic capitals of modern equestrianism as we know it, but dang, where would all my cutting horses and reiners live?
Cheer up, kiddies, I’ve got all of that, plus a HOT TUB.
Not far from the charming ancient city of Budapest lies this fully luxurious western outfitters ranch, complete with indoor/outdoor arenas, massive beautiful barn, and loads of little gingerbread cottages for your guests.
Located right next to Kiskunság National Park, you can hit the trails for days and then come home and take a nice long soak.
The ranch was built in 1999, so everything is in great shape. The current owner has been using it to breed and raise traditionally American breeds that apparently the craze over in the eastern zone: Quarter Horses, Paints, and Appaloosas.
The homes make up a total of 13 bedrooms, each with their own bathroom. They’ve got all the amenities: wi-fi, cable, A/C, etc.
You can find more information at the original listing.
Go riding!
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