Fantasy Farm Thursday: NBD, Just a Castle in France
Why, oh WHY didn’t I study French in High School? WHHHHHYYYYYY.
Are you here for a little torture and self-hatred for not becoming a rich surgeon fluent in French like your mother always dreamed you would be? GOOD. Because I’ve got a doozy for you:
Be the Cinderella/Briar Rose/Belle of your fantasy, only the prince is optional, and you and your horse are definitely the heroes in this story. Set on 55 acres in the west central region of France, this stunning little gem includes two residences, a beautiful barn, a full blooming garden, an outdoor swimming pool, a full size dressage arena, and a massive training oval. They’ve hosted cross country events here in the past, according to the listing, making this an ideal property for an eventer if you just add a few jumps to that infield!
The barn has 10 large stalls including a broodmare stall and a lovely tack room. There are eight separated grazing paddocks, and a river which runs through the property which provides fresh water to your mighty french steeds. There are also ample trails within and around the farm.
The craziest part? This property was recently reduced in price from €773,800 to €696,999 (That’s about $780,000!) You can OWN A CASTLE IN FRANCE WITH A BARN FOR LESS THAN A MILLION DOLLARS. I CAN’T SAY THAT ANY OTHER WAY BESIDES ALL CAPS. *breathes into paper bag*.
Get all the details at the original listing here.
Go To France, and Go Riding!
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