Fantasy Farm Thursday: $1.6 Million Milwaukee Wonderland
Abundant Wisconsin cheese and light beer, a Wayne’s World montage backdrop, and a self contained year-round equestrian facility decked out to the nines. What more could you REALLY need from life?
If a Milwaukee equestrian paradise sounds like just your bag and you happen to have $1.6 million lying around, we’ve got a real winner for you on the famed city’s outskirts.
(And if the numerous Wayne’s World references are lost on you, I’m both terribly sorry, and I pity you.)
This stunning rustic barn with attached (and heated, of course) indoor arena was built in 2006 and eleven years later looks like it was built just yesterday. The builders went all out on this one, putting in 32 large stalls, floor-to-ceiling wood paneling throughout, a MASSIVE tack room, and not one but THREE viewing areas to take in the arena from the comfort of an insulated, decadent space.
The barn sits on 40 acres of Wisconsin paradise which includes 15 acres devoted to growing your own proprietary hay blend, loads of open trails, water ponds, and eight pastures/runs for your ponies to frolic in and enjoy in the not deathly cold months. But wait, THERE’S MORE!
If you’re a low-maintenance kinda guy/gal, you could inhabit the darling onsite apartment that overlooks the ponies or offer it to a full-time caretaker. The apartment includes a garage, laundry room, medical room, and office. There is also surround-sound speakers throughout the facility so you can jam out to Alice Cooper as much as your little black heart desires.
You can see the full listing and all the details at Keefe Real Estate’s Website.
Be Excellent, and Go Riding.
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