Fantasy Farm Thursday: Narnia Farms. Seriously.
Fantasy name. Fantasy duds. It’s pretty fantastic, y’all.
Narnia. The famed fantasy kingdom of C.S. Lewis’s “The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe” series that includes magical creatures, important life lessons, and one seriously enchanting little kingdom. Also true of Narnia Farms, this week’s fantasy real estate adventure. While I lack the talent with imagination and wordsmithing possessed by Mr. Lewis, I do promise a journey into a place beyond your wildest dreams.
Some words about Narnia Farms:
It’s super close to Portland. There is something terrible appropriate about Narnia Farms being within an hour of Powell’s Books, Voodoo Donuts, and “the dream of the 90s”.
Their horses make perfect circles. What SORCERY IS THIS.
The outdoor footing is all-weather, so you can’t get the Pacific Northwest Blues over a little rain.
Or if you still want a little more help than that, there’s also a covered arena with outdoor views, because Narnia.
The common room (WITH FIREPLACE) and tack lockers are other-worldly modern/adorable and I have a strong hunch that locker #5 takes you to a charming street of rowhouses in 1950s London.
Turnout on painfully green grass for dayyyys, y’all.
The barn aisle is so clean you could eat lunch off it in the middle of the day WHATISHAPPENINGHERE.
Purchase includes magical gnomes who come in and straighten up the tack room every night while you sleep.
Surrounded on three sides by enchanted Oregon forests, obviously.
I highly doubt this pony is included, but he’s obviously magical.
All this and the price ain’t bad. You can take home your own mystical universe for the charmed price of $1.55 million, which really isn’t half bad at all. You can see the listing here.
Go Narnia, and Go Riding.
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