10 #EquestrianProblems According to Twitter
Because brevity is always the soul of wit.
I realize that a common complaint with Twitter is that people “just don’t get it” but you don’t need to have a Twitter account to appreciate these tweets: the forced brevity that comes with only having 140 characters to express yourself is funny no matter if you know how Twitter works or are totally mystified trying to figure out why it even exists. This is why it exists: so we can express our #equestrianproblems.
Boot + Hoofprint. #EquestrianProblems #Doh pic.twitter.com/vg7QFFLHyn
— Alex Pangman (@AlexPangman) March 10, 2017
Goes to tack store for new crop &, walks out with expensive jacket, new belt, & forgot to buy the damn crop ??♀️?? #equestrianproblems
— ElegantEquestrian (@EquestrianBae) March 16, 2017
Best iced coffee recipe:
-Order one large hot coffee.
-Bring it with you when you go to work at the barn. #equestrianproblems— Leslie (@LeslieInLex) March 20, 2017
Better undress these horses so we can put blankets back on tomorrow and take them off again the next day #equestrianproblems #crazyweather
— Lauren Budden (@LaurenEBudden) March 22, 2017
Yesterday I hit my head so hard on the gooseneck that my neck cracked. I can’t get it to go back… #equestrianproblems
— Julie Gilbert (@julesmarie93) March 26, 2017
I have a lesson tomorrow on April Fool’s day but my equitation is a joke every day of the year ? #equestrianproblems
— UniversityCatchRider (@UniversityEq) March 31, 2017
#horseownership #eventerproblems #broke #equestrianproblems pic.twitter.com/NsCpEBWZJY
— Super Paint (@superpaintmonty) March 31, 2017
I count down my steps to get off the people mover at the airport like I counted down my strides when I was a jumper #equestrianproblems?
— Caysee Kamenetsky (@cayskammy) April 7, 2017
Ripped jeans, refuse to buy new ones until completely necessary… dropped $300 at @SmartPak… #equestrianproblems #sorrynotsorry
— Madeline C. (@madelinec64) April 10, 2017
I don’t even take my backpack into the barn and yet somehow there is hay in my binder #equestrianproblems
— Rachæl (@rachael_besser) April 10, 2017
Oh yes, we’ve all been there. Got a funny tweet to share? Follow us at @horse_nation!
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