Best of JN: Trying to Buying to Flying

An Instagram story in 4 acts: go along for the vicarious ride of shopping for “the one”!

Act 1: The trying out period, where you just have to sit on a few dozen animals and see what you like and what you don’t like. This act could go on for years.

Act 2: That test ride that starts getting you in the groove. Could this be the one?

Tried this fiery little mare this weekend! ?

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Act 3: Then comes the phase where you’re still dating other horses, but your InstaThoughts just keep coming back to that one special someone:

Luci is the cutest! ??

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Act 4: Finally, pending vet inspections, clearing of checks, and one epic surprise planning sesh between parents and trainer, you get the horse with the big red bow, a theme song, and your first jumping lesson as Best Friends Forever:

Best surprise this morning!! I can officially call this spunky little mare mine and couldn't be happier ☺️❤

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Congratulations to Kitzia Fuller and her new pal Luci — we hope you’ll be very happy together and make your way into our news feed winning in the jumpers soon!

Go Jumping.

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