Video: A Salute to the Women of Racing
From owners to trainers to rider and jockeys, women are working hard in the traditionally male-dominated world of horse racing. This video salutes their efforts!
King’s Victory Media put together a video tribute to the women of racing — whether they’re in high-profile roles of owner, breeder, trainer, jockey or press, or the more behind-the-scenes jobs of groom, exercise rider, veterinarian or hot walker, women are working hard to earn their place in a traditionally male-dominated sport. (That’s not to diminish the valuable contributions of women in racing throughout history — especially as breeders and owners, women have helped to shape the industry as it stands today.)
Like other equestrian sports, men and women compete on equal footing within horse racing (the gender of the horses themselves aside) — there are no gender restrictions for the role of jockey, trainer, owner, or any of the multitude of other jobs and careers centered on the racetrack, from the breeding farms that raise Thoroughbreds to the press reporting on every start.
Women are making inroad in this traditionally male-dominated field, and we’re excited to see what’s head for the racing industry.
Go racing, and go riding!
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