Fantasy Farm Thursday: Rent Your Fantasy by the Day on New App ‘Staller’
Okay, so the average featured Fantasy Farm property is out of most of our price ranges. But what if you could RENT the fantasy stall you wanted for a few weeks’ getaway with your horse? Enter the Staller app!
Here’s the thing about Fantasy Farm Thursday. As an escapist solution to forgetting your problems and imagining a whole other lifestyle filled with aged scotch, butlers, and heated arenas, it’s working just great. I love that imaginary tumbler of aged scotch from the luxury arena viewing deck.
In terms of solving your actual horse living situation, however, it’s probably a little sub-par, to the tune of three or four million dollars.
But what if I told you that you could rent that luxury happiness by the month or even the weekend, thanks to a couple of app developing horse lovers with a genius idea?
The co-founders are Arturo Ferrando (28) and Pablo Jimenez Godoy (24), who are based in Wellington, Florida near the Palm Beach International Equestrian Center (home of the Winter Equestrian Festival and the Adequan Dressage Festival). These bros saw a need in the market for the 9.2 million horses in the United States to move from place to place on occasion, and you may not always want to keep your horse in a show stall for the duration of an event.
Or maybe you’re not showing, but just looking for a luxurious change of pace. Or just need a break from Sandra*, the noisiest, nosiest, chattiest fellow boarder this side of Christendom and want to board somewhere else for a hot minute in hopes of regaining your sanity and what light and joy you may have once seen in the world.
So how does it work? You can either visit their website, stallerapp.com, or you can download the app for free on iTunes (android available soon). Then the real fun happens.
You’ll search the available cities (they just launched at the beginning of this year, so there’s not a massive selection at the moment, but the more people use it, the more robust it will become), your dates, discipline and nearby shows, and then a list of available properties will be made available to you.
Admittedly, there are some kinks to work out. It’s not clear which fields are required and which aren’t on the search screen, and not all the required fields are going to make sense for every potential boarder. It also seems like selecting a single city could get a bit confusing, rather than choosing a whole state or a region or a radius. So there are some kinks to work out, but once you get your results? It’s definitely, definitely worth it.
I did a little test run entering the criteria of looking for boarding for 1 horse in Briny Breezes, FL for 4 nights in February of this month, left the discipline option blank, and selected the Global Dressage Festival (because again, that field is required, but sure, whatever, how far am I from the Global Dressage Festival?)
The site came back with 23 absolutely incredible properties which range from $450 a month to $5,000 a month, and everything in between. My personal favorite in the search result was this little modern gem, where I could board my horse 4 days for $336:
In terms of board, that’s obviously a lot of money. But in terms of VACATION, or what you’d spend at a horse show? The possibilities are rather tantalizing, if you ask me. It’s like going to a show where no one judges you and you get to skip the aneurysm-inducing warmup arena. Do I need to show you the tack room to sweeten the deal? I think I do.
The initial search will show you monthly amounts, but once you click into a property, you can see the cost for the number of days you initially searched. It’s got great photos and descriptions and everything you’d need to make an educated decision.
For the moment it appears they only have properties in Florida, but keep an eye on the app to upgrade, expand, and explode. There is a market and a need, and these guys seem to know their stuff. And if you’re a barn owner, be sure to reach out to them! Just like AirBnB for humans, having a few open stalls on the app might be a great way to earn some additional equity beyond your regular boarders.
Enjoy this whole new tool for fantasizing, and go riding!
*Name changed to protect the “innocent”. We all know you’re no church mouse, Sandra.
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