Happy New Year! Horse Nation Staff Horsey Resolutions
The Horse Nation staff knows where its priorities are at: horses! Here are our New Year’s Resolutions for 2017.
Kristen: In the past, I’ve done sort of vague, un-quantified goals that were difficult to truly track. This year, I’m going to try to go the bucket list route:
- Hook Rocky and Randy in a single tandem… just to see if we can do it.
- Practice roping like I’ve been talking about for the past three years so I can actually be of service around the farm
- Restore the old farm wagon and make it driveable again!
Okay, they’re in writing now — let’s do this, 2017.
Lorraine: My New Year’s Resolution is to be a better volunteer. As a co-organizer of a recognized three-day-event, I’ve learned how vital and life-changing it is to have great, passionate volunteers (we are blessed with many!), and I really want to give back to the other hard-working venues in my region. It takes much more than a village to keep all of our respective horse sports functioning at max capacity, and I want to do my share to help my fellow equestrians’ dreams come true.
I’ve seen with my own eyes how working together and promoting each other’s events has raised the bar in our region and made all of us better. I’m deeply grateful to everyone who has made our event what it is, and I hope I can give back in kind a little better in 2017!
Morgane: This year I resolve to stop procrastinating, organize my life, have a social life outside the barn, be home from the barn before dark, cook dinner nightly, and get fit. Ok, kidding. I’m actually not much for resolutions, per se, but I do have goals. This year I’d like to get the Beastlet to 4th and schooling all of the PSG and I’d like to get Super Storm back in the ring at I-1 and continue schooling the GP. In addition to my horse goals, I’d also like to spend more time with The Husband and those that don’t creep about the barn all day with me. You know, life balance, or something akin to that.
Meagan: My goals for 2017 are all over the place… I want to get Joey into some rated shows later in the year, successfully move up in fence height without dying, learn to breathe on course, attend a few clinics/lessons with other professionals, and take the horse show husband from intermediate level to advanced. Realistically, however, my main goal is to just stay on every time I mount because my poor fractured coccyx (from 3 years ago might I add) has still yet to heal and I am tired of not being able to sit down.
Biz: At the Horse Nation holiday party, it became clear that I was brought on board not because of my writing ability, or thoughtful training insights, but because of my status as “mother” to D-list celebrity rabbit, Pi. This year I resolve to give the people of Horse Nation what they want, more fluffy, bouncy, adorable bunny power. Watch out Kathy Griffin. This means that I must turn my writing engine up into high gear. For 2017, my goal is to provide Horse Nation with no less than 50 amazing, horsey articles (with plenty of bunny sprinkled in) to distract equestrians of the world when they’re stuck doing non-horse related activities…like working.
Candace: I resolve, being a Horse Slut (someone who doesn’t own a horse and will do almost anything to get a horse under her), that I will make a new friend of anyone who has horses – introduce myself (with a note on my stationery) to those on our country roads who have horses in the field – place a personals ad “Will muck for a ride” now that the stable where I ride has closed.
Maria: Ride more, worry less!
What are your horsey New Year’s resolutions, Horse Nation? Let us know in the comments section — and go riding!
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