SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: Ask the Vet, October Edition
SmartPak’s “Ask the Vet” video series is back, with SmartPak Staff Veterinarian Dr. Lydia Gray and SmartPaker Sarah answering fan-submitted questions about a variety of equine medical issues!
Ever had a burning medical question about your horse that you wanted as much information about as possible? You could go down the rabbit hole of Googling for answers and stay up all night panicking that your horse has a rare genetic condition or an unusual disease contracted through the bite of an elusive tropical insect … or you could take a quick spin through SmartPak’s “Ask the Vet” video series and see if Dr. Gray and Sarah have the answer.
After all, Dr. Lydia Gray — SmartPak’s medical director and staff veterinarian — and SmartPaker Sarah have been answering fan questions for several months now, and the Ask the Vet videos go up on SmartPak’s YouTube account to be a resource for horse owners. With plenty of horse owners asking their questions, they’ve covered a lot of ground!
Here are the questions addressed in the October video:
1. Since October means Halloween, I was wondering about warts in horses. A horse I am looking after for a friend has a white wart in his ear. How can warts be treated, prevented, and kept from being passed on from horse to horse?
2. My horse bites the fence and sucks in. 1) What is it called? 2) He is not gaining weight – is that because he does that? And 3) what can I do?
3. What months are the BEST to worm your horse, ponies, and donkeys?
4. What first aid should all horse owners know?
5. How do you know if your horse needs electrolytes and how much to give them?
Do you have your own questions for Dr. Lydia and Sarah? SmartPak gathers submissions using the #askthevetvideo hashtag. You can also ask your questions on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or the SmartPak blog (where you can read all of Dr. Lydia Gray’s Ask the Vet articles) — don’t forget the hashtag!
Don’t forget the bonus — if your question is selected for the next video, you get a SmartPak gift card!
Go SmartPak! Go riding!
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