2016 Best of HN #11: The Haunting FEI Olympics Video
Words don’t often fail us, but they sure have this time.
What is the creepiest part of this video?
Is it the horse masks?
The 80s-inspired clothing, music and scenery?
The weird humanoid interpretation of what equestrian sports actually entail?
We can’t decide, so we’re just gonna leave this here and let you tell us what you think.
FEI, you guys have had some weird ideas before (the whole “equestrian triathlon” debacle springs to mind) but we think you guys have truly outdone yourselves this time. Don’t worry, readers. It’s just the global governing body of horse sport that created this masterpiece. If the world didn’t find the equestrian sports confusing before, they sure as hell will now.
And now I have to go try to scrub these images out of my brain. Have a good day, all.
Go riding!
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