Video: Veterans In Retirement
This heartwarming story of how Quincy, a retiring Army caisson horse, and veteran George Whitaker will enjoy retirement together might just bring a little tear to your eye.
On occasion, the United States Army adopts out some of its retiring caisson horses — the special equines of the Army’s Old Guard that process at the funerals of soldiers to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Adopting a retiring Old Guard horse is a great honor and the Army is stringent about finding the perfect homes for its retirees.
Quincy was adopted out in 2016, and it’s pretty clear that this horse certainly found a great home. He’s not the only veteran here: he was adopted by George Whitaker, himself a veteran. On today’s observation of Veterans Day, we thought this was a fitting story to share.
Happy retirement to both of you, Quincy and George. We at Horse Nation salute all veterans, and thank you for your service to our country — no matter what form that service may have taken.
Go riding!
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