Tuesday Video: Pride
This mini-doc by filmmaker Evan Kaufmann beautifully captures both the bond between horse and rider and the sense of personal pride that comes from working with these animals!
No matter where you go in the world, horsemen share the common bond of a great love and respect for the horse and a strong sense of pride in being lucky enough to work with this noble animal. It’s an age-old story, but one that we love to see retold over and over again in new ways — and this mini-doc from filmmaker Evan Kaufmann is exactly that kind of tale.
Travel to Long Beach, California to meet a handful of horsemen, all sharing the same love and pride:
Kaufmann describes his project: “Last year, I was fortunate enough to spend a couple days documenting two extremely disciplined horse trainers. The love for the animals and dedication to their craft was one of the most inspiring things I had seen in quite some time. I hope you enjoy this video.”
Go horses. Go riding.
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