Horses, er, Unicorns in Ads: ‘HD Electricity’
Okay, fine, they’re not real. But they still look really freaking cool in this commercial airing in the UK for First Utility.
This commercial from UK electric company First Utility is everything we want in a cheesy horse commercial: dramatic voice-over. Lightning. Fog. Slow-motion. UNICORNS.
Yes, unicorns. Behold:
Look at those unicorns, in all their mane-flowing, electric-generating magical sexy glory. You can view the full minute-long version by clicking here.
The head “unicorn,” however, is no run-of-the-mill equine actor: he is Desordeiro Interagro, an eight-year-old Lusitano gelding trained through Prix St. Georges. In addition to his undeniable dressage talents, Desordeiro also learned how to canter down the street behind a camera car, toss his head dramatically on cue and perform a few other camera-ready maneuvers that he probably won’t be employing in the show arena any time soon.
Desordeiro was fitted with a “stand-in” horn that was replaced digitally with the electrified and iconic unicorn horn you see in the commercial above. While real unicorns may not exist, this lovely Lusitano does a great job convincing us that they’re real.
For more information about the Interagro Lusitano breeding program, please see the website at www.lusitano-interagro.com.
Go unicorns! Go riding!
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