Best of HN Pinterest: Show Ribbon Craftacular
We’ve found 13 fab craft night suggestions to turn that box of dusty ribbons into a charming masterpiece!
I am a grown woman, married with puppies and babies, but heck if I don’t still have all the 4-H ribbons I won in 1997 with my cute little quarter horse, Poco. When you’re a kid, you display those bad boys to death because frankly, every tween horse-freak girl with braces should be able to look up on her wall in those awkward years and be reminded “Hey, I’m not a total loser, I got 4th place in Horsemanship last summer at the County Fair!”
But as an adult, they are tender reminders of the horses I loved as a little girl, the friends I had, and the memories we all made together at those shows. They’re not going anywhere. So what to do with those ribbons of yesterday or yesteryear? Here are 13 genius pinterest ideas to get the creative juices flowing!
1. Ribbon Wreathe
2. A Busy Horse Chick’s Ribbon Centerpiece
3. Frame of Victory
4. Rustic Color-specific Adorableness
5. The Power Pillow
6. America is for Winners
7. Tack Trunk Trophy
8. Fabric Printing for the Win
9. Sophisticated Frame Cluster
10. The Horse Show Belt of Destiny
11. The Reason for the Show Season
12. They See Me Jumpin’
13. Horseception
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