SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: Barn Field Trip Part 4, Estimating Weight
SmartPak’s Barn Field Trip video series continues with a hands-on look at how we estimate a horse’s weight.
SmartPak‘s always looking out for us: they’re not just a great supplement producer and our favorite online tack shop, but the company is also devoted to educating us as horse owners and caretakers, as well as its staff. Every few months, both new and current employees from every one of SmartPak’s departments heads to the barn to learn about hay, grain and other feeds from SmartPak veterinarian Dr. Lydia Gray, and SmartPak is kindly sharing videos from these sessions in a six-part series.
If you missed the first three installments, you can catch up here: Parts One and Two in one article and Part Three. In Part Four, Dr. Gray shows how to measure a horse and estimate his weight, which is incredibly useful for making decisions about a horse’s feed, medication and supplements.
Two installments remain in the six-part series. Our hats are off to SmartPak for this helpful series with great visual examples, not to mention the downloadable worksheets that let you learn right alonside the SmartPak team.
Go SmartPak, and go riding!
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