HN Best of 2015 #1: The Bomb-Proofest Grand Prix Dressage Horse in the History of Ever
No, your chainsaws and umbrellas shall not disturb my one-time tempis, thankyouverymuch.

Photo by Roy Fabricus of FabFoto, Denmark
There is very little that I can add in words to enrich this performance by Swedish rider Anna Blomgren and her 2006 mare, Donna Summer. But it suffices to say that umbrellas, fire, chainsaws, and the world’s most creative use of a tarp are no match for Anna and Donna. Journalistic impartiality be damned; this is positively awesome.
Anna has worked her way up the dressage ranks all over the world, including “trying to do dressage on half-broke Arabians in the woods of Mississippi”, and working at the iconic Blue Hors Stud in Denmark. She currently works and trains out of the Netherlands, but if she ever comes to teach a clinic in America we will let you know. I personally would quite like to see the tarp trick in person.
You can find out more about Anna at her website, http://www.annadressage.com/.
Go riding!
Correction: In our initial publishing of this story, we incorrectly identified Anna as Danish. She is in fact Swedish! Thanks to our readers for catching our error. Go Sweden!
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