Feel-Good Post of the Day: Man Rescues Foal on Highway
It’s what any of us would do, but it still feels good to see humans doing right by the equines.
The backstory on this amazing little moment is lost to the interwebs, but it will still give you all of the feelings.
At first it looks like all will not end well as the anxious foal careens into the driver’s lane and almost gets hit by the approaching car. The driver quickly realizes the foal is completely despondent because his mother and the rest of his herd are on the other side of the long highway divider, and decides to do something about it.
The anxious mother can be seen in the background, but she hangs back as the man gently sets the foal down on the right side of the barrier. The driver and his family watch the little stinker reunite with his mother, and all is right with the world again.
Have a warm thought for the good people and lost foals this holiday season, and Go Riding!
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