‘How to Gain Confidence as a Rider’ Sneak Peek
Sunny Hale’s new book is available today!
Sunny is widely recognized as the most accomplished and well respected female polo player in the world. She is the first woman in US History to win the prestigious US Open Polo Championships and has been competing alongside some of the greatest male players in the sport for over 20 seasons. She has now added the title of author to her resume, publishing Let’s Talk Polo earlier this year and a new series, How to Gain Confidence as a Rider, available today!
Excerpt from Chapter 1:
A personal note from the horse…
“I am an amazing animal with unlimited powers to enhance your day each time you come to see me. I am magic on hoofs. However, I require one thing. Please take the time to understand and gain as much knowledge as you can about what makes me happy and what upsets me. I am truly wanting to be loyal and do all I can in pursuit of your personal goals on my back, no matter what discipline or hobby you would like me to participate in, if you will just give us time to get to know each other and build some trust. I can do hundreds of things like jump, race, trail ride, swim, cut cows, reining patterns, carry camping gear to the mountains, check fence lines, doctor cattle, play polo, do dressage, pull carriages, therapy for handicapped people, be your best friend, barrel race, play polocrosse, carry policeman through the city, be your confidant after a hard day at the office…you name it I can do it. If you will just give me time to understand what you are asking of me and time to learn to trust you, I will be your most loyal powerful friend in our journey to accomplish your goal. I also want you to know that if you get in a hurry and try to force your will on me without clearly explaining what you want or before you have earned my trust, there is a good chance you will eat some dirt. Sorry, but I can’t help it that’s just the way I’m made. I will do my best to understand the language you are speaking to me by your actions and I hope you will take some time to understand the language I speak by my actions. Please read this book carefully and when you’re done I look forward to having a great ride. Remember, I am magic to the soul when we can communicate properly. You will feel invincible and so will I as we go after our goal together. I look forward to hearing from you soon!”
How To Gain Confidence As A Rider is set to be released December 15, 2015. If you mention “Horse Nation” when ordering, you will be eligible for early release autographed copies while they last!
For more information head over to Sunny Hale Polo.
Go Riding!
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