#TBT: 9 Things That Need to Come in Pumpkin Spice
‘Tis the season!
Equestrians know that autumn is a time for shorter days (meaning you’ll be driving home from the barn in the dark), crisper weather (meaning your horse will suddenly be a spooky, back-humped monster) and picking endless amounts of burdocks out of manes, tails and everywhere in between. If you judge the season by your Facebook news feed, however, this is the time of year for walking around in trendy plaids and boots, crunching leaves, picking apples, and most importantly, enjoying pumpkin spice-flavored and scented* everything.
*Pumpkin spice, to the best of our reckoning, tastes like sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. Pumpkin, without spice, to the best of our reckoning, tastes like squash. Please note difference when seeking the flavors of fall. No one wants a pumpkin-flavored latte. If we’re talking scent rather than taste, pumpkin spice smells like pie. That’s really all you need to know.
So we decided to take a long, hard look at our own less-glamorous interpretation of fall and work a little more pumpkin spice into the picture. Nothing says fall and trendy like pumpkin spice.
1. Pumpkin Spice Likits
This seems like a total no-brainer: get your horse in on the season’s best flavor! Think of this like your horse’s own personal seasonal coffee drink. If he doesn’t have a pumpkin spice stall lick, he’s clearly really missing out and the other horses are going to make fun of him in the pasture.
2. Pumpkin Spice Bit Wipes
It’s important to keep your bit clean, but mint and apple? Those are flavors for the rest of the year. In the fall, it’s all about the pumpkin spice. Your horse can definitely taste the difference.
3. Pumpkin Spice Bits
Cover all of your bases and get a pumpkin spice scented bit too. Yeah, we all know about the apple scented bits .. so would it be too much to ask to get a pumpkin spice option out there? We equestrians love to coordinate, after all.
4. Pumpkin Spice Dewormer
The reason your horse hates his fall dewormer? It’s not pumpkin spice flavored. Obviously.
5. Pumpkin Spice Helmet Spray
Can anyone else say “totally untapped market”? It doesn’t matter what discipline you ride — after a long summer of hot and sweaty riding, your helmet definitely stinks by now. Add a little spritz of pumpkin spice in there and you’ll not only ride off in your own cloud of autumn scent but you’ll get everyone around you in the spirit of the season too.
6. Pumpkin Spice Detangler
You’re already going to be spending a lot of time coming burrs and burdocks out of your horse’s hair, so why not kill two birds with one stone and get him smelling pumpkin spice-fresh at the same time? It can’t be that hard to change that unmistakable “show sheen” smell to pumpkin spice.
7. Pumpkin Spice Supplements
It wouldn’t be that hard for supplement companies to reconfigure all of their formulas for this time of year so that all of their products smell and taste like pumpkin spice … right?
8. Pumpkin Spice Shavings
Close your eyes and imagine with me for a moment: you walk into the barn on a gorgeous crisp autumn day as the leaves are changing. There’s your horse looking over his stall door at you, nickering in greeting. You take a deep breath through your nose, and there it is, the unmistakable scent … of pumpkin spice.
9. Pumpkin Spice Arena Footing
Now we’re really talking. With every step your horse takes, you could be surrounded by the unmistakably autumn aroma of pumpkin spice. Why isn’t this a thing yet? Come on, horse world, it’s time to catch up here a little.
Go riding.
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