Fairytale Ending: Bumps in the Road
Our TB Makeover blogger, Caitlin Brady, details Azorian’s latest shows … and his recurring soreness.
Since our last article a lot has gone on. We have competed in several shows, the last being the Aiken Fall Festival Hunter/Jumper show, and have had our run of complications on our journey. Azorian and I have been working through grade 1 lameness in the hind end. Grade 1 isn’t anywhere near being dead lame, but it means that something isn’t quite right. I use a combination of chiropractic, massage therapy, fitness programs and regular vet visits to help keep Azorian in his best health and shape. This being a recurring lameness I scheduled an appointment to evaluate what the cause could be. Azorian’s SI joint has been sore since February when I got him and I have been helping manage it, but the vet felt that we needed to break the cycle to help him start feeling better and we decided to inject the joint. Since then he has felt amazing and has felt a lot stronger and happier. A combination of exercises to strengthen his hind end have been the target of each ride.
Since then we have competed in a charity jumper show at 2′ and he was a very good boy, though he had some baby moments which were expected and worked through. It never ceases to amaze me how great of a personality he has going to shows and schooling and he is only 4!
Coming off that show, Azorian had a break before we attended the Aiken show; we spent that break doing canter-to-trot exercises to help build up his hind end to help support his SI and it helped tremendously! The exercise may seem easy on paper, but when applying it to your riding at first it can be difficult for a horse that isn’t strong enough. (You canter a few strides and come back to the trot for a few then back to canter until you have a fully engaged trot.)
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