SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: Body Scoring
SmartPak’s helpful video explains how to interpret and implement the Henneke Horse Body Scoring System.
SmartPak‘s “How To” video playlist on YouTube is always a good treasure trove of information, ranging from how to put a bridle together to how to take your horse’s vital signs. This video, featuring SmartPak’s staff veterinarian Dr. Lydia Gray, explains an often-referenced but equally potentially-confusing aspect of horse care, the Henneke Horse Body Condition Scoring System.
Dr. Gray does a great job explaining how and why this system was created, as well as the system’s potential pitfalls and shortcomings — essentially, why it’s important to interpret the results according to each individual horse. Watch the video and get the whole story:
When combined with the Horse Weight Calculator, SmartPak becomes the one-stop shop to get your horsey questions answered, fully and honestly. That’s one of my favorite things about SmartPak: the company’s motto “have a great ride” also serves as their mission. SmartPak is kind of a combination of barn manager, groom, veterinarian and helpful fellow horseback rider. Check out the rest of the “How To” video series for more answers to your barn and horse questions!
Go SmartPak, and Go Riding!
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