SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: Glitter Everything
Feeling the letdown after those fabulous Fourth of July fireworks? SmartPak knows just what you need.
As long as your horses and pets are safe and sound in the barn or house, the Fourth of July is a beautiful day: cookouts, parties and of course, fireworks filling the night sky. And now that it’s over, some of us are missing those lovely shimmering bursts of sparkling color in our life. Fortunately, as usual, SmartPak has the answer, and the answer is glitter.
Get ready to ooh and aah over these new items:
Shimmer Hearts Star Bat (because in all of us, there is a young crazy horse girl.)
Glitter Flower Crop (see above.)
Charles Own JR8 Sparkly Helmet (because if you’re going to make a statement, make it a big one.)
And a few items that have been in the SP tack room for a while, but still deserve a second look for the bling factor:
VenTECH Elite Sports Medicine Boot (because glitter is proven to protect your horse’s tendons and ligaments better.)
Secure-Fit Overreach Glitter Boots (because sparkles are proven to make your horse run faster.)
Get your shine on.
Go SmartPak, and go riding!
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