Barnhacker: How to Fix a Leaky Metal Water Trough
Steel water trough sprung a leak? Here’s a quick and easy fix from Lindsay Rausch.
This past winter was rough on our metal stock tank. We failed three different tank heaters and had to resort to using a single bit axe to break up ice a couple of times a day. (See Lindsay’s previous article, “Breaking the Ice: A How-To Guide.”)
It is not hard to believe that there is an occasional miss to the ice, with my aim, or breaking through the ice and into the tank side. The tank worked for the rest of the winter with the water level lowered about three inches. Before putting this tank back into use this year the holes needed to be fixed so that the tank float would work for auto filling the tank. We turned to the great and powerful JB Weld to fix the problem.
The sharp edges were hammered back into place to close up the gaps as much as possible. Once you are ready to start with the JB Weld make sure that all of the holes have been hammered and wiped clean.
JB Weld is a two-part compound so get a scrap piece of wood or cardboard and put a little blob of each tube on the cardboard and mix them together with a toothpick or stick. DON’T GET THIS STUFF ON YOURSELF.
Using the same toothpick apply the mixture to the holes from the outside. You are on the clock here so work quickly. A spatula or putty knife can be used to help smooth the surface inside and out. Wipe any tools that are used clean as soon as you are done. Let the tank sit overnight and then it is good as new.
*For more specifics related to using JB Weld please see the packaging.
Stay warm out there, Horse Nation. Go Riding!
Lindsay learned to ride as a kid from her mom who had been a trainer and horsemanship instructor in a previous life. Lindsay and her husband own a 10.5 acre hobby farm and keep a few cows and are making room for horses on the property. The work on the farm is almost exclusively been done by the two of them from remodeling the old farm house, installing fencing and making a small campsite for friends and family. There are many projects that they have done that can be of benefit to the horse nation; for other non-farm/horse projects you can follow her at www.candlfarm.wordpress.com.
Readers, do you have a DIY “barnhack” you’d like to share with Horse Nation? Email it to wylie@horsenation.com.
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