NickerDoodles: It’s Tough To Be Santa
Everyone wants a pony… and somebody’s got to deliver them.
Melanie writes, “Christmas is over and its time to put all those decorations away. I may wait a few days and build up my momentum. There are just so many boxes and they’re all so very heavy. Makes me wonder how Santa does it year after year? Respect to that old merry dude. Respect.”
About Melanie: I am an artist in Atlanta. When I’m not painting, I’m riding horses. I have 3 retired Arabians and a snotty pony at home. They keep me on my toes. Three years ago I bought a young OTTB straight off the track. My new fella, Bubba, and I are learning dressage. Sadly, I’m the weak link on Team Bubba, but I learn something every time we ride so it’s all good. I started NickerDoodles to document the horsey antics that abound within my world. I’m very fortunate to balance my life with things that I love – painting and riding – and NickerDoodles gives me a forum to share. If we’re not laughing at our horses and ourselves, we’re probably crying. I prefer to laugh! I hope everyone enjoys NickerDoodles.
Please visit my central website, melanieeberhardt.com, and follow Nickerdoodles on Facebook here.
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