12 Reader-Submitted Horse-Themed Engagement Photos
For maximum “awww” factor, include your horse. (Shockingly, no one submitted any horse-themed engagement photo disasters.)
This week’s 24-hour photo challenge: horses in engagement photos!
First, an actual horses-present-at-the-engagement-itself photo:
Love the late-summer feel of this photo:
This reader submitted two that were so lovely that we couldn’t choose just one–we posted both:
I’m not 100% sure what’s happening here, but clearly these two have a sense of humor:
One of our favorites from our engagement shoot 10/10/13. For the #HorseNation #engagement #contest
A photo posted by entrepreneurEquestrianYogi (@rpvisual) on
And this one is just too cute not to share:
We’ll wrap up the collection with one more of our own lovely Carla Lake:
And a few more late entries! From Melissa Wilburn: “These were taken in 2012 of me and my now-husband, Gary. My draft cross, Kennedy, was 4 at the time and is the equine star of our photographs.”

Submitted by Melissa Wilburn: “These were taken in 2012 of me and my now-husband, Gary. My draft cross, Kennedy, was 4 at the time and is the equine star of our photographs.”

Submitted by Melanie Joy Mastracola: ” I just got my engagement photos done Nov 1 with my beautiful mare.”
Be on the lookout for next week’s 24-hour photo challenge. Challenges are usually announced on Tuesdays.
Go riding!
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