No Stirrups November Weekly Support Group: Week 2!
How’s everyone feeling?
Let’s review the timeline thus far:
Two weeks ago, we were like…
A week in, we were like…
But this week, you’re all like…
Right? OK, maybe not exactly. But we do have reason to do a little happy dance, because you’ve got 15 days down and 15 days to go.
Each week, we try to provide a little inspiration to cheer you along on your painful yet oh-so-rewarding journey. This week, we’ve got a video of a rider for whom years of no-stirrup work paid off in a big way! Watch her leg — despite her horse’s best bucking bronc impression and an eventual loss of stirrups, it never budges. She hangs on like a champ until the bitter end, when her horse finally shakes her loose while exiting the arena.
Love the music choice, too. Pretty appropriate!
How are you guys out there surviving No Stirrup November?
The USA Polocrosse Team passed along this photo with the note, “Members of the 2015 USA Polocrosse World Cup Team sometimes play with no stirrups.”
This one is from Jamie Jennings, co-host of our favorite radio show Horses in the Morning (9-10:30 Monday through Friday! Check it out!). She mentioned something about “not being able to walk” but we’re just gonna ignore that part.
This feat of derring-do is from reader Meredith Ruth Johnson, by way of her trainer Susan Corwin:
And we’ve gotten some positive Week 2 reports on HN’s Facebook page as well:
Keep up the great work, guys! And remember: Horse Nation is here for you.
In addition to our No Stirrup November Weekly Support Group, we’ve got a thread running on Equestrians Anonymous (check it out under the “Training” forum) so you guys can commiserate with and support one another 24/7. We’ve also teamed up with our great sponsor World Equestrian Brands to give away a sweet pair of Amerigo stirrups to the reader with the most creatively hidden stirrups — click here for details.
You’ve got this. Go Riding (without stirrups)!
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